User Evaluation on Mobile Game for Color Blind: KALERZ


  • Wan Amir Asyraf Amir Hamzah Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Nurulain Najihah Jamaludin Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Muhammad Arshad Tukiman Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Muhammad Alif Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Sobihatun Nur Abdul Salam Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia


Color blind; Mobile game; Learning; Colour vision deficit; Blindness.


Color is one of the most essential aspects in recognizing people, objects, and materials. It also plays a vital role in almost every area of life. Color blindness can impact all or just a few colors, making it hard for color blind persons to distinguish between them. Color blindness, commonly known as colour vision deficit (CVD), is a genetic disorder caused by a recessive mutation on the X chromosome. Despite the fact that colour blindness is sometimes considered as a minor impairment, study reveals that two-thirds of people with CVD consider it a burden. Color blindness can impact all or just a few colors, making it hard for color blind persons to distinguish between them. In this paper, we developed KalerZ-a simple game in which they have to make a guess which color is on the screen. We further evaluate the developed game and we encourage color blindness people to practice with the color more and more.



How to Cite

Hamzah, W. A. A. A. ., Jamaludin, N. N. ., Tukiman, M. A. ., Alif, M. ., & Salam, S. N. A. (2023). User Evaluation on Mobile Game for Color Blind: KALERZ. International Journal of Advanced Technology and Computer in Education, 3(1). Retrieved from