
Starting by January 2021, AMCS PRESS will continue to publish research under an open-access (OA) model for their academic journals. To support the publication costs of accepted-manuscript of these OA journals, authors must pay an article processing charge. This journal charges the following author fees:
* Article Submission Charge: 0.00 USD
* Article Publication Charge (APC): IDR 1,000,000.00 (USD 70.00)

Additional charges may be applied as following:
* Fast Track Review Charge: 0.00 USD
* Fast Track Publication Charge: 0.00 USD

Article Publication Charge of Open Access Model

  • The charges mentioned above are applied to cover all of our publishing services.
  • The APC of AMCS journals accepted manuscript is considered very low as compared to other Open Access International Publishers that charge USD 500-USD 5,000. The APC of AMCS Journals will cover:
    • Manuscript management and review process.
    • Typesetting, formatting, and layout.
    • Online hosting.
    • Submission of the journal’s content to numerous abstracting services, academic directories, and indexing databases.
    • Plagiarism checking.
    • Articles being freely accessible and able to be posted and disseminated widely by the authors.
  • The payment is made when your manuscript is accepted by the Editor in Chief. It is charged to either the corresponding author, or corresponding author sponsor, institution and/or employer.
  • The details of payment procedure (including bank account information) will be provided directly to the author via email notification once the acceptance of manuscript is confirmed.

No refund will be processed for Article retraction; Article removal; and Delays resulting from publication queue as it is a standard procedure of the publishing process.

This journal has no a waiver policy.