Strategic Planning Analysis and Library Development Patterns in Millennial Era
Strategic planning; School library; Analysis; Library development patterns; Millenial eraAbstract
Planning is the first step in library management because it is a thought, and ideas are described in detail to start an Action. The purpose of this study was to analyze the strategic planning and pattern of library development the millennial era, where we take a case study at SMA N 01 Rejang Lebong. The type of research used in this research is descriptive research. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the study show that these strengths include the attention of school leaders, potential of parents of students, school excellence, and others. It is said so because the library has human resources, skills, library facilities in the form of adequate equipment and rooms, and so on that make it stronger than other libraries. The weaknesses and shortcomings of libraries are quite a lot, including: unclear structure, poor budget, indifferent leadership, not many academics visiting the library, cramped rooms, poor collections, and others. This threat may be from internal factors and can also be from external factors. Internal factors include: low interest in reading, the teacher does not give examples of reading, the leadership is indifferent, or the library committee does not care about library development. While external factors include: the rise of playstation, the spread of malls, television shows, and others. The library of SMAN 1 Rejang Lebong already has a strategic plan, so that service and development activities can run well.