The Analysis of Collections Room Light Intensity, Temperature and Humidity at Universitas Brawijaya Malang Library
Light intensity; Temperature; Humidity; Physical factor.Abstract
Universitas Brawijaya Malang library had 60,873 non-print and printed collections with a total of 213,346 copies, and there are approximately 426 collections from 1970-1990 that were damaged. Physical factors were one of the causes of damage consisting of dust, light, temperature, and humidity. In addition, the availability of refrigeration equipment in the Universitas Brawijaya Malang library collections room is still not evenly distributed. This study aims to analyze the light intensity, temperature, and humidity of the library collection space of Universitas Brawijaya Malang. It used a quantitative approach. This research was conducted by measuring and observing light intensity, temperature and humidity in the white label collection room of the Universitas Brawijaya Malang library with a lux meter to measure light intensity and using an HTC-2 Digital Thermohygrometer to measure temperature and humidity. The results of this study were the average light measurement obtained was 76.9623 lux, the average temperature was 26.4℃, and the average humidity was 75% RH. These results indicate that the light intensity in the white-label collection room has met the standard, while the temperature and humidity had not met the standard.