Journal Information
The International Journal of Advanced Technology and Computer in Education (IJATCE) is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of Technology and Computer in Education, thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested researchers in the aforesaid fields. The journal looks for significant contributions to Technology, Media, and Computer in Education in theoretical and practical aspects.
The International Journal of Advanced Technology and Computer in Education (IJATCE) is of interest to a broad audience of educators, academicians, researchers, scientists, engineers, technologists, and practitioners to share their experiences, knowledge, and techniques in the using of computer and technology for teaching and learning. The journal appeals to a global audience and receives submissions from all over the world.
The International Journal of Advanced Technology and Computer in Education (IJATCE) is an open access, which means that all content is provided freely accessible without charge to either the user or the institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or cite the full text of the article did not have to ask permission from the publisher or author.
Journal Title | The International Journal of Advanced Technology and Computer in Education (IJATCE) |
Subjects | Educational Technology, Educational Data Mining; and Computer in Education |
Language | English |
ISSN | 2442-2762 |
Frequency | 3 issues per year |
Founding Editor | T. Herawan |
Publisher | AMCS PRESS |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar |
Cover Image | Vecteezy |
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