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AMCS E-Journal Systems is an online platform for e-journal management and publishing system managed by AMCS Press. Its sophisticated database allows users to easily locate abstracts, full journal articles, and links to related research materials. We are an international publisher. Our main business is scientific publication in International Journals and International Proceeding Series.
All journals published in AMCS Press is a open-access model which means that all content is provided freely accessible without charge to either the user or the institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or cite the full text of the article did not have to ask permission from the publisher or author.
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The International Journal of Advanced Accounting and Auditing (IJAAA) is a peer-reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. IJAAA publishes original works that advance knowledge of theory, practice, and researches. IJAAA is open to seeking innovation, creativity, and novelty of researches. Submissions either in the form of letters, research notes, survey, review, articles, book review in the field of accounting, auditing, taxation, and other related topics. IJAAA aims to achieve state-of-the-art in the theory and application of the fields. |
The International Journal of Advanced Management and Business Intelligence (IJAMBI) is a peer-reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. IJAMBI publishes original works that advance knowledge of theory, practice and researches. IJAMBI is open to seeking innovation, creativity, and novelty of researches. Submissions either in the form of letters, research notes, survey, review, articles, book review in the field of management, data analysis, decision making and business intelligence. IJAMBI aims to achieve state-of-the-art in the theory and application of the aforementioned fields. |
The International Journal of Advanced Management and Finance (IJAMF) is a peer-reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. IJAMF publishes original works that advance knowledge of theory, practice and researches. IJAMF is open to seeking innovation, creativity, and novelty of researches. Submissions either in the form of letters, research notes, survey, review, articles, book review in the field of management and finance. IJAMF aims to achieve state-of-the-art in the theory and application of the aforementioned fields. |
The International Journal on Advanced Technology Management and Entrepreneurship (IJATME) is a peer-reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. IJATME publishes original works that advance knowledge of theory, practice and researches. IJATME is open to seeking innovation, creativity, and novelty of researches. Submissions either in the form of letters, research notes, survey, review, articles, book review in the field of technology management, policy, institutions and governance economic development, sustainability and inclusiveness, entrepreneurship, intellectual capital, HRM, and organizational development, leadership and other related topics. JOMLAI aims to achieve state-of-the-art in the theory and application of the aforementioned field. |
The International Journal on Advanced Computer Science and Information Technology (IJACSIT) is a peer-reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. IJACSIT is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of Computer Science, Information Technology and Its Applications, thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested researchers in the aforesaid fields. The journal looks for significant contributions to Computer Science and Information Technology in theoretical and practical aspects. |
The International Journal on Advanced Data Science and Intelligence Analytics (IJADSIA) is an international journal published by AMCS PRESS. The IJADSIA is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of Computer Science, Information Technology and Its Applications, thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested researchers in the aforesaid fields. The journal looks for significant contributions to Data Science and Intelligence Analytics in theoretical and practical aspects. |
The International Journal of Advanced Digital Library and Information Science (IJADLIS) is a peer reviewed journal published by AMCS PRESS. The IJADLIS publishes original works that advance knowledge of theory, practice and research in Digital Library, Abstracting and indexing, Bibliometrics, Informetrics, Knowledge management, Scientometrics, Information Science and other related topics. |
The International Journal on Advanced Information Systems Theory and Practice (IJAISTP) is a peer reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. IJISTP is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of Information Systems in theoretical aspect and Its Applications, thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested researchers in the aforesaid fields. The journal looks for significant contributions to Information Systems in theoretical and practical aspects. |
The International Journal on Advanced Data and Information Engineering (IJADIE) is a peer reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. IJADIE is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of database, information retrieval, data mining, data engineering, and knowledge management, thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested researchers in the aforesaid fields. The IJADIE looks for significant contributions to data and information engineering in theoretical and practical aspects. |
The International Journal of Advanced Biology Education (IJABE) is a peer reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. IJABE aims to provide an international forum for researchers, teachers, and practitioners on all topics related to science and biology education. The IJABE consists of high-quality technical manuscripts on advances in the state-of-the-art of biology education; both theoretical approaches and practical approaches are encouraged to submit. All published articles in The International Journal of Advanced Biology Education are freely accessible in this website. |
The International Journal of Advanced Soft Computing and Data Mining (IJASCDM) is a peer reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. IJASCDM is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of Soft Computing, Data Mining and Its Applications, thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested researchers in the aforesaid fields. The journal looks for significant contributions to Soft Computing and Data Mining in theoretical and practical aspects. |
The International Journal on Advanced Education and Development (IJAED) is a peer reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. IJAED is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of education and development, thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested researchers in the aforesaid fields. The journal looks for significant contributions to education and development in theoretical and practical aspects. |
The International Journal of Advanced Language and Educational Linguistics (IJALEL) is a peer reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. IJALEL aims to provide an international forum for researchers, teachers, and practitioners on all topics related to language and educational linguistics. The International Journal of Advanced Language and Educational Linguistics consists of high-quality technical manuscripts on advances in the state-of-the-art of educational linguistics; both theoretical approaches and practical approaches are encouraged to submit. All published articles in The International Journal of Advanced Language and Educational Linguistics are freely accessible in this website. |
The International Journal of Advanced Physics Education (IJAPE) is a peer reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. IJAPE aims to provide an international forum for researchers, teachers, and practitioners on all topics related to science and physics education. The International Journal of Advanced Physics Education consists of high-quality technical manuscripts on advances in the state-of-the-art of mathematics education; both theoretical approaches and practical approaches are encouraged to submit. All published articles in The International Journal of Advanced Physics Education are freely accessible in this website. |
The International Journal of Advanced Mathematics Education (IJAME) s a peer reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. IJAME aims to provide an international forum for researchers, teachers, and practitioners on all topics related to science and mathematics education. The International Journal of Advanced Mathematics Education consists of high-quality technical manuscripts on advances in the state-of-the-art of mathematics education; both theoretical approaches and practical approaches are encouraged to submit. All published articles in The International Journal of Advanced Mathematics Education are freely accessible in this website. |
The International Journal of Advanced STEM Education (IJASTEMED) is a peer reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. IJASTEMED aims to provide an international forum for researchers, teachers, and practitioners on all topics related to science and Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Education. The IJASTEMED consists of high-quality technical manuscripts on advances in the state-of-the-art of STEM Education; both theoretical approaches and practical approaches are encouraged to submit. All published articles in IJASTEMED are freely accessible in this website. |
The International Journal of Advanced Technology and Computer in Education (IJATCE) is a peer reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. IJATCE is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of Technology and Computer in Education, thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested researchers in the aforesaid fields. The journal looks for significant contributions to Technology, Media, and Computer in Education in theoretical and practical aspects. |
The International Journal of Advanced Architecture Engineering and Planning (IJAAEP) is a peer reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. The IJAAEP is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of Architecture Engineering and Planning, thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested researchers in the aforesaid fields. The journal looks for significant contributions to Architecture Engineering and Planning in theoretical and practical aspects. |
The International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJAECE) is a peer reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. IJAECE is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of electronic, electrical and computer engineering, thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested researchers in the aforesaid fields. The journal looks for significant contributions to electronic, electrical and computer engineering in theoretical and practical aspects. |
The International Journal of Advanced Medical Informatics and Bioengineering (IJAMIB) is a peer reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. IJAMIB is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of medical informatics and biomedical engineering, thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested researchers in the aforesaid fields. The journal looks for significant contributions to medical informatics and biomedical engineering in theoretical and practical aspects. |
The International Journal on Advanced Civil Engineering and Structures (IJACES) is a peer reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. The IJACES is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of civil engineering and structures, thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested researchers in the aforesaid fields. The journal looks for significant contributions to Architecture Engineering and Planning in theoretical and practical aspects. |
The International Journal of Advanced Geology and Mining Sciences (IJAGMS) is a peer reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. IJAGMS aims to provide an international forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners on all topics related to mechanical engineering, material science and their dependable applications. IJAGMS consists of high-quality technical manuscripts on advances in the state-of-the-art of mechanical engineering, material science and their dependable applications; both theoretical approaches and practical approaches are encouraged to submit. All published articles in IJAGMS are freely accessible in this website. |
The International Journal of Advanced Industrial Engineering (IJAIE) is a peer reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. The IJAIE is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of industrial engineering, thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested researchers in the aforesaid fields. The journal looks for significant contributions to industrial engineering in theoretical and practical aspects. |
International Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering and Material Science (IJAMEMS) is a peer reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. The IJAMEMS aims to provide an international forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners on all topics related to mechanical engineering, material science and their dependable applications. The IJAMEMS consists of high-quality technical manuscripts on advances in the state-of-the-art of mechanical engineering, material science and their dependable applications; both theoretical approaches and practical approaches are encouraged to submit. All published articles in IJAMEMS are freely accessible in this website. |
The International Journal of Advanced Robotics and Unmanned Systems (IJARUS) is a peer-reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. The IJARUS is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of robotics and unmanned systems, thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested researchers in the aforesaid fields. The journal looks for significant contributions to robotics and unmanned systems in theoretical and practical aspects. |
The International Journal of Advanced Food and Agriculture Technology (IJAFAT) is a peer reviewed journal published by AMCS-PRESS. The journal publishes original works that advance knowledge of theory, practice and research in food, agriculture technology and other related topics. The IJAFAT consists of high-quality technical manuscripts on advances in the state-of-the-art of mechanical engineering, material science and their dependable applications; both theoretical approaches and practical approaches are encouraged to submit. All published articles in IJAFAT are freely accessible in this website. |
The International Journal of Advance on Disaster Mitigation and Management (IJADMM) is a peer reviewed journal published by AMCS PRESS. The journal publishes original works that advance knowledge of theory, practice and research in disaster mitigation, disaster management and other related topics. |
The International Journal of Advanced Energy, Life Science and Environment Sustainability (IJAELSES) is a peer-reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. The IJAELSES aims to provide an international forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners on all topics related to mechanical engineering, material science and their dependable applications. The IJAELSES)consists of high-quality technical manuscripts on advances in the state-of-the-art of mechanical engineering, material science and their dependable applications; both theoretical approaches and practical approaches are encouraged to submit. All published articles in IJAELSES are freely accessible in this website. |
International Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research and Practice (IJAVRP) is a peer-reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. The IJAVRP aims to provide an international forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners on all topics related to mechanical engineering, material science and their dependable applications. The IJAVRP consists of high-quality technical manuscripts on advances in the state-of-the-art of mechanical engineering, material science and their dependable applications; both theoretical approaches and practical approaches are encouraged to submit. All published articles in IJAVRP are freely accessible in this website. |
The present outbreak of the novel corona virus SARS-CoV-2 (Corona Virus Disease 2019; previously known as 2019-nCoV), which is started in Wuhan, Hubei Province of the PR China, has spread to almost all countries in this globe. Covid-19 Pandemics has marked significantly on the memories of societies with their permanent impacts. Going beyond a cause of disease or death, the pandemics also have consequences in many aspects of life, including in education, psychology, business, social, politics, industry, tourism, economic and many more. |
The International Journal of Advanced Mathematics and Computational Sciences (IJAMCS) is an online peer-reviewed journal and aims to provide an international forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners on all topics related to mathematics, computational sciences and their dependable applications. The IJAMCS consists of high-quality technical manuscripts on advances in the state-of-the-art of mathematics, computational sciences and their dependable applications; both theoretical approaches and practical approaches are encouraged to submit. All published articles in The IJAMCS are freely accessible in this website. |
The International Journal of Advanced Basic and Applied Science (IJABAS) is a peer reviewed journal published by AMCS PRESS. The journal publishes original works that advance knowledge of theory, practice and research in basic science, applied science and other related topics. |
The International Journal of Advanced Communication, Media, and Journalism (IJACMJ) is a peer reviewed journal published by AMCS PRESS. The journal publishes original works that advance knowledge of theory, practice and research in Communication, Media, Journalism and other related topics. |
The International Journal of Advanced Statistics in Science, Business and Engineering (IJASSBE) is an online peer-reviewed journal and aims to provide an international forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners on all topics related to statistics in science, business and engineering and their dependable applications. The IJASSBE consists of high-quality technical manuscripts on advances in the state-of-the-art of mathematics, computational sciences and their dependable applications; both theoretical approaches and practical approaches are encouraged to submit. All published articles in The IJASSBE are freely accessible in this website. |
The International Journal of Advanced Contemporary Islamic Studies (IJACIS) is a peer-reviewed international journal published by AMCS PRESS. The IJACIS publishes original works that advance knowledge of theory, practice and researches. The IJACIS is open to seeking innovation, creativity, and novelty of researches. Submissions either in the form of letters, research notes, survey, review, articles, book review in the field of Islamic studies and other related topics. The IJACIS aims to achieve state-of-the-art in the theory and application of the aforementioned field. |
The International Journal of Advanced Law and Political Sciences (IJALPS) is a peer reviewed journal published by AMCS PRESS. The journal publishes original works that advance knowledge of theory, practice and research in law, governement, political sciences and other related topics. |
The International Journal of Advanced Music, Art and Culture (IJAMAC) is a peer reviewed journal published by AMCS PRESS. The journal publishes original works that advance knowledge of theory, practice and research in music, art, culture and other related topics. |
The International Journal of Advanced Public Health (IJAPH) is a peer reviewed journal published by AMCS PRESS. The journal publishes original works that advance knowledge of theory, practice and research in public health and other related topics. |
The International Journal of Advanced Food and Gastronomy (IJAFG) is a peer reviewed journal published by AMCS PRESS. The journal publishes original works that advance knowledge of theory, practice and research in Food, Beverages, Gastronomy and other related topics. |
The International Journal of Advanced Psychology and Human Sciences (IJAPHS) is a peer reviewed journal published by AMCS PRESS. The journal publishes original works that advance knowledge of theory, practice and research in psychology, human Sciences and other related topics. |
The International Journal of Advanced Sports Technology and Research (IJASTR) is a peer reviewed journal published by AMCS PRESS. The journal publishes original works that advance knowledge of theory, practice and research in Sports Tourism, Recreation, Physical Education and other related topics. |
The International Journal of Advanced Travel and Destination (IJATD) is a peer reviewed journal published by AMCS PRESS. The journal publishes original works that advance knowledge of theory, practice and research in Travel, Tourism Destination and other related topics. |
The International Journal of Advanced Tourism and Hospitality (IJATH) is a peer reviewed journal published by AMCS PRESS. The journal publishes original works that advance knowledge of theory, practice and research in Tourism, Hospitality and other related topics. |
Business and Economics
Computer Science and IT
Engineering and Technology
Life Sciences
Social Sciences
Tourism and Hospitality
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